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Leg 030 The Great Loop: Fredericktown to Reedy Island

Leg 030 The Great Loop: Fredericktown to Reedy Island

By on May 15, 2014 in Captain's Log |

Thursday, May 15, 2014 – 7:00PM – Leg 30/Day 46 – 38.2 Miles

I made it through the C & D Canal. Just as advised, there were some currents that needed to be taken into account. The plan was executed to perfection and the stern current was strong, but the passage through went without a hitch and I currently am moored off Reedy Island. I had changed my plans from the other night to get out into the bay instead of stopping at the marina in Delaware City. It just seemed to be too much of a hassle and I really did not need to stop for any reason. I'll be making a short trip tomorrow down to Nantuxent and there will be spending the weekend. From there I will make one more passage down the bay and then head out into the Atlantic for the trip up New Jersey. Depending on the weather and water conditions, I may stay out on the ocean.

It was overcast with light winds in the morning and broke up to a clear day as I was attaching the mooring lines. The wind has been picking up and it's funny to feel the currents under the boat, they are quite strong. As this is really the first mooring station with a lot of boats tied up, it's kind of funny to see them all pointing one direction, and then 2 hours later they are pointing another. I remember as a kid living in Chicago in a high rise that I used to marvel at how the boats never hit each other. But it makes sense since all the boats are being affected by the same wind and currents.

Katie and I finalized our plans and she will be coming into La Guardia Sunday the 25th and I will be staying in the harbor for the weekend. That will give us a chance to get everything stocked up for the trip up the Hudson River and on into the Erie Canal. She'll take a taxi from the airport to one of the marina's (haven't decided which one yet) and we'll meet up, catch up, rest up, and the head out up the Hudson. I can't wait.

I'm still trying to talk Kat into coming on part of the trip, but that's a way off yet. If I get my mast on when I finish this trip, I might consider sailing over to Corpus Christi to pick her up and maybe talk her into going to the Caribbean with me for the winter. I'd have to spend the summer there, but as long as the AC holds out, I'd tie into a long-term marina for a while. If I do that, I'd pull the boat at some point during the hurricane season and get the bottom all redone. It would be a good time to get all the other little projects completed too. This retirement is a lot more fun when I have someone to share it with.

Going to put a line overboard and see if anything falls on the hook. Good night my precious peoples, may the Lord of All guard and protect you on this lovely evening of His creation.