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Leg 027 The Great Loop: Ridge to Rose Haven

Leg 027 The Great Loop: Ridge to Rose Haven

By on May 12, 2014 in Captain's Log |

Monday, May 12, 2014 – 8:30PM – Leg 27/Day 43 – 41.9 Miles

I'm not sure which I prefer more now. After a few days on open water, I seem to be craving the canal experience. The sights change more often on the ICW and there is more that captures your attention. The open water is beautiful, but the time passes much more slowly. there is more traffic to be aware of, but the electronics keeps a close tab on that. My visuals are the backup. But setting the auto-pilot while hugging the coast can lull you to sleep. So I have to keep getting up and moving around to keep myself alert.

There were very light winds today, no current to speak of, and mostly just watching the big mansions go by. There are lots of big ships out in the main channels and all kinds of smaller fishing boats.Only twice did I have to take the controls to avoid coming close to another boat and I was in 40' of water so avoiding anything is no problem at all.

I am getting used to living on board without all the amenities and my tanks are large enough to only have to empty every few weeks. I may start staying at marinas less and less as I go along. I seem to be doing quite alright being out most nights now and I really only need to do laundry every couple of weeks and my water usage is a short shower every night and a little bit for cooking. I refill my gallon jugs with purified water when I can and that sees me through. I am learning to enjoy the moment and the moments are sweet being out on the water.

I only tied up for one night in Ridge on the dock there for free, and that was more than I really needed, The harbor was shallow and protected. So I just stayed out except for the one day I went in for a couple of things. The old adage of pack half as many clothes and twice as much money is certainly true here. I could get by with 3 t-shirts and shorts without too much effort. That may change as it gets hotter.

Katie called and she is going to come into New York on May 25th. I plan on being in New York Harbor on the 23rd and spending a few nights at a marina there while I wait for her to join me. that will give us about 6 weeks through the Erie canal and the Great Lakes. she can exit either in Detroit or Chicago depending on how she is enjoying herself. I am so excited. Lizzie said she may join me in Chicago and go down the Illinois and Mississippi with me. Her schedule is a little tougher to work around, but she's going to try and make it work. I emailed her to tell her that I would be in Chicago sometime around July8th if all goes as planned. I sure miss my girls and doing this with them would be something that we both will always remember.

Good night all you land lubbers. I keep you in my heart on in my prayers and wish for you a time to explore as I have been given.