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Leg 025 The Great Loop: Motorun to Westland

Leg 025 The Great Loop: Motorun to Westland

By on May 8, 2014 in Captain's Log |

Thursday, May 8, 2014 – 6:00PM – Leg 25/Day 39 – 24.0 Miles

I don't know if it gets any more perfect on Chesapeake Bay than it was today. It was warm and I couldn't believe how calm the water was. The temperature got up to about 90 with the sun just a blazing all day. In the morning it was frying the right side of my face and then in the afternoon the left.

I took it very slow today and got some fishing in. Caught two really nice bass and one other that I have yet to identify. I cleaned them up and stuck one in the freezer. The other is for tonight. I got four really nice fillets out of them. So a little butter and lemon in some foil on the grill, put that over some rice and cover with sautéed mushrooms and zucchini and I'm a happy camper tonight.

I can see why people live here on the bay. There are just some absolutely beautiful places along the shore. Lots of money and power in this part of the country. In the movie Wedding Crashers, they go to a place that reminds me a lot of some of these places I have seen along the way. There are some very large estates with yachts and sailboats all over. I've always said that money doesn't buy happiness, but it sure makes being unhappy a lot more easy. Or as David Lee Roth once said when he was told by a reporter "money can't buy love". His response was "no, but I can park my yacht right next to it and walk on over".

So many years that I spent floating back and forth between poverty and almost impoverished, I was happy, but it's only because I was with my children. If it had not been for them, I would have let myself fade from existence long ago. Now, I am so much more happy and actually learning to like being happy and free. It is lonely at times, but I am still learning to be alone, and that's ok too. The people I have met along the way have been wonderful and I look forward to the next chance meeting.

I had purposely made these legs a little shorter because I didn't want to try to get through the bay without enjoying the scenery and I have not been disappointed. I am still debating whether to pull into Baltimore and try to go find my grandfather's gravesite again. My uncle Lealon had taken me there when I visited him back in the 90's, but I can't remember where it was. I may forego that this time around and try to get a location on it through phone calls and websites. I know I have family in the area and someone may know where it is.

I could go on and on tonight, but I am so relaxed and I feel like watching a movie on deck, doing some reading, and maybe sleeping outdoors tonight.

Goodnight wishes to all my little saints and saintettes. My prayers are upon all of you tonight. Rest well and happy dreams.