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Leg 024 The Great Loop: Norfolk to Motorun

Leg 024 The Great Loop: Norfolk to Motorun

By on May 7, 2014 in Captain's Log |

Wednesday, May 7, 2014 – 7:30PM – Leg 24/Day 38 – 31.9 (38.1) Miles

I am so glad that I waited to go through Norfolk until morning. The light was perfect to see the Naval Shipyard and what an awesome sight that is. Going through there and then coming out into Chesapeake Bay is just a whole nuther world from where I have been. The biggest ships I have ever seen and very crowded. I had to stay on my toes until I got several miles north of Newport News. Even then there was no going below for anything but a moment. I sure could use a shipmate during these times. The Bays around the horn in North Carolina were big, Chesapeake Bay is more like open ocean. But this is all part of the learning experience.

I added about 6 miles to the planned leg today because of the short leg yesterday, but I have no complaints about making that choice. The morning was cool and overcast and then cleared up and got downright warm. The wind was not really a factor but even a little wind gets the waves rolling a-plenty.

I had a celebratory sweet tea as I crossed the 1000 mile mark today. That is a big accomplishment. I am slowly becoming adjusted to this lifestyle. I was certain I would get lonely and regret doing this. But I am really starting to enjoy the time alone. I'm having to put up with myself, which is not easy.

This leg had ended at the Davis Creek Marina, but I decided to avoid having to backtrack to go around the point and so made my way up to the Dyer Creek area where I am anchored in the Bay. It's pretty shallow towards the shore so I am just off the drop off in about 20' of water. As long as I don't drift west, I'll be ok. Setting the alarms loudly tonight.

The time is coming that I need to make a decision about going up the Potomac into Washington DC. If I go, I want to stay for a week so I can visit the museums and landmarks. But I also am feeling like I should continue on as I am enjoying being on the water. Since other than my children I have really not accomplished anything in my life, I really would like to see this loop all the way around and still feel anxious to get it done. Sadly, the living in the moment still eludes me most of the time. Working on it ……

I talked to Katie today and she is going to fly into New York City and I'll pick her up there. She's going to Ride with me through to Chicago. School will be out soon and she can fly back home from Chicago or Detroit. I can't wait to see her. Lizzie is planning a trip too, but not sure when that will be able to happen. She has some summer projects going on and is working to open some time. I sure miss them both and I'm so proud of them.

Blessings on all those in my life who bless me with allowing me to be a part of theirs. Living alone with myself I realize that I should bless all of you more often for having the tenacity to put up with me. Thank you God for long-suffering family and friends.