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Leg 022 The Great Loop: Roanoke Island to Elizabeth City

Leg 022 The Great Loop: Roanoke Island to Elizabeth City

By on May 5, 2014 in Captain's Log |

Monday, May 5, 2014 – 10:30PM – Leg 22/Day 34,35,36 – 39.2 Miles

The weekend was wonderful. The weather cooperated most of the time and I got out and around to see some of the area.

Saturday, I went over to Kitty Hawk and spent most of the day. They have a small museum complex with lots of information about the Wright Brothers first flight. The history is amazing and the change that it brought to this world is astounding. Sitting on the grass, I looked up and saw several airliners in the sky and thought how apropos. They flew 112 feet and now we have been to the moon and back. My life has seen some wonderful advancements.

Sunday I just motored around the island and the shore on my scooter and enjoyed stopping at every little thing that caught my attention. I stopped by the Elizabethan Gardens and wandered through there for a while. Ate at Lost Richards Sandwich Shop, stopped by a local mart and picked up some canned goods and stopped by a farmers market for some fresh produce. I plan on making some salsa tonight. I haven't had that for a while. The only problem is I make it in such a big batch that I bought some containers and gave some away to others in the marina.

I met another man doing the loop solo like me and he is staying for a while here locally and then heading up later this month. Maybe I will see him if I end up any place for a length of time. We spent the afternoon watching some baseball at a local sports bar. I don't think I caught the name of the establishment, though. Monday is Cinco de Mayo and all the local places were celebrating this weekend, so Mexican food was on the menu for Saturday night. I can't say it was the best I've ever had, but it was fair and definitely brought the memories of the best in the nation in the barrios of Phoenix. I used to work down there and these little homes had walk-up service and a few picnic tables to eat at. Some of the best food I have ever tasted.

I did stay for two nights at the marina to rest up after the sound crossing. But I anchored out Sunday night to save on those ever precious pennies.

I got off early again to cross Albemarle Sound and make sure I didn't have any problems. The boat has been working very well and I didn't think I would. I feel a lot more comfortable on larger bodies of water after the trek across Pamlico and Albemarle Sounds. I need to make that long leg across the Gulf when I end up back there, and so I am hoping that as I go across these sounds and the across the Great Lakes that I will feel comfortable making that mostly open water leg. Everyone tells me it's not that bad, so I am hoping to cross with others when I get there. If not, I will do it solo. I intend on making this trip to completion. I feel good health-wise and my Tai Chi is helping to keep me limber.

The trip to Elizabeth City was uneventful. Crossed the sound, headed up the river, rounded the bend under the bridge, and am tied up at the Christian University Free Dock. Elizabeth City is known for a lot of free docks. I am hoping tomorrow to catch the tide coming in as I head up to the Dismal Swamp. I hear that is a heck of a trek too. I'm expecting to get a feel for the Erie Canal type, with a narrow channel and a mozy attitude. I just want to get all the way through in one day and make it up to Norfolk. Then I am hoping to get through the major shipping lines in Chesapeake Bay on the weekday days. I am a little nervous about that part of the trip. But with all the electronics I have, I should be ok. But there is a lot of traffic there.

Love and Kisses to all of those I know. Be healthy, be safe, love and be loved.