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Leg 020 The Great Loop: Neuse River to Cape Hatteras

Leg 020 The Great Loop: Neuse River to Cape Hatteras

By on May 1, 2014 in Captain's Log |

Thursday, May 1, 2014 – 8:30PM – Leg 20/Day 32 – 43.0 Miles

Well if I was looking for some open water experience, I got it today. The rain let up right after I got started, but the haze and clouds persisted all day. It wasn't long after I started that I lost sight of all land and seemed to be floating in the middle of the ocean. Land was 5-10 miles off, but it felt like it was a million miles away. It did unnerve me at times with the waves rocking the boat and the wind blowing, but going through it was both exhilarating and exasperating. For almost 9 hours it was just me, the wind, and the waves. Powerful stuff.

I made it to Cape Hatteras and am anchored offshore north of the town. I am not going in and am hoping the mist and fog will lift enough for me to see it in the morning. I can see the light from the lighthouse sweeping past, but have not gotten a glimpse of it yet. From here it is a northbound journey to Roanoke Island where I will put in for the weekend.

After a day like today, I feel accomplished and exhausted. It was a fight to stay on course and the whole day was spent keeping an eye out in the haze, monitoring the GPS, and making sure I was adjusted enough to compensate for the wind. I am tired and am heading right into bed. The anchor has held for about 3 hours now so I'm feeling good about that. But I still set the alarms to make sure. The wind is still coming out of the south and if I do break loose, there is nothing north of me.

Sleep well my children, you are loved more than you will ever know. My dreams will be of you tonight.