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Leg 015 The Great Loop: Harbor River – Richmond Island

Leg 015 The Great Loop: Harbor River – Richmond Island

By on Apr 24, 2014 in Captain's Log |

Thursday, April 24, 2014 – 9 PM – Leg 15/Day 25 – 43.7 Miles

Today was just a lovely day on the water, the temperatures were mild and the sun was out in full force. Summertime is almost upon us and I know the warmer temps will be sneaking up on me soon. But I can't help think that a few more cold snaps may venture to pass before too much summer comes in full force.

It was uneventful in traveling today. I stayed out of the main channel in Winyah Bay when I first got there but had to move into it as I moved up the Wacamaw River. Still the traffic was fairly light. The ICW has moved inland a bit again and the ocean is out of sight most of the time. The forests are starting to get thicker along the banks along with some rock outcroppings. Off the starboard, the land seems more marshy, but that also changes often.

Today was my brothers birthday and I got an email off to him. Sometimes I wish we would have been closer, but his opinion of me is rather low, and rightfully so. But he gets a birthday wish from me anyway.

I am anchored out by the Wacca Wache Marina and this really is a nice one. Rustic and well stocked. I had heard of this marina while reading some books on the subject a few years back and didn't realize this was the one I was heading into today. Had I know, I might have planned to stay here for the weekend. But I am bound and determined to get to Kitty Hawk for next weekend and so I am bypassing a stay here this go around. If I come back around next year, I will make this a certain weekend layover.

I have gotten into a nice routine for the short term. I am also finding that I like myself. My thoughts drift and there are regrets in my life, but I think mostly I have been a loving patient person. I wish I had done more for those who needed and done less for those that took advantage of me. But that is life, and this is the one I led for better or worse. I wish I had found a true love who felt about me the way I felt about them. But all of my marriages were to women who loved me for potential. When I didn't live up to what they thought my potential was, they fell out of love with me. I know I did much to hurt the relationships, and I can't really blame them. It just would have been nice to have someone love me for who I was, not for what I could be. I find that's all ok now. I realize that my expectations of them were more than they should have been too. I get lonely, and I sure miss the one I thought was the love of my life, but I'm never really alone when I have my Lord.

Papa, help those I love have reasonable expectations of those they love, and to always be kind no matter the cost. Give us all the strength to be better people tomorrow than we were today.