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Leg 014 The Great Loop: Stono River – Harbor River

Leg 014 The Great Loop: Stono River – Harbor River

By on Apr 23, 2014 in Captain's Log |

Wednesday, April 23, 2014 – 10 PM – Leg 14/Day 24 – 33.1 Miles

Started early today so that I could take a tour of Fort Sumpter where the Civil War began. What a place to see; the cannons alone are a reason to visit. I can't imagine the noise those things must have made being fired, they are huge. Those soldier's ears must have been bleeding after just a few rounds.

I remember years ago delivering some horses through Kentucky and commenting to my travel partner that it was strange to think that battles of the Civil War were fought right where we were driving. Without missing a beat, he said 'I wonder how that got around all this traffic on the Interstate'. I miss that guy, one of my friends long gone.

It was quite something taking off today, I backtracked a little because of going down by the marina, and the course took me into this little channel called Elliot's Cut, I thought for sure I must be missing something, but soon was back out into a more open channel. Then as you come around a corner, suddenly you see the Charleston skyline and harbor. From there it was just a quick mile off-course to visit the fort and then on to some of the straightest parts of this trip to date. Long stretches of just looking ahead to a small heading change, and then back to straight ahead.

The weather was absolutely perfect. Cool sleeping and it warmed up for shorts and tees in the afternoon with some wind and then cooled down nicely again after the sun went down.

I'm getting used to anchoring out most nights. As long as I am close by a marina, I have no worries. It's been nice hanging out at night, doing a little fishing, reading, and getting the next day's charts updated. If all goes as planned I should be in North Carolina at Myrtle Beach day after tomorrow.

Tonight it is quiet. Very little light from anywhere close and the moon is just a crescent waning. So the stars are brighter than normal, very beautiful. As soon as I am done, I am going to set the pallet up to sleep outside, it's just that nice. Who needs a sleeping porch when your whole house is a moving porch on the water.

Night, night my friends and family. I pray the Lord is with you guarding and guiding you as you receive sweet dreams from heaven.