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Leg 008 The Great Loop: St. Augustine to Fernandia Beach

Leg 008 The Great Loop: St. Augustine to Fernandia Beach

By on Apr 11, 2014 in Captain's Log |

Friday, April 11, 2014 – 9 PM – Leg 8/Day 12 of The Great Loop – 51.7 Miles

Today's word-of-the-day would marshes. During high tide, the marshes cover the land and the water just seems to go on forever. It's very deceiving because if you get off the ICW marked channel, you would run aground very quickly even at high tide.

There was civilization entering and leaving the inlet/river areas, but there were some real wide-open remote stretches too. The weather was still, warm, cloudy, and muggy and the trek was long today, 51.7 miles according to the charts. There is no memory of most of them. It was a day of 'let's just get to the destination' for some reason. Maybe it was the long week last week or the anticipation of the upcoming weekend off, but a little break from the travel and be with people is in order.

I am currently moored out across the ICW from the Fernandia Harbor Marina. The plan is to stay out tonight and then slip in for a couple of days during the weekend. There are a couple of history museums and a farmers market that can be visited. I'll finally get some use out of my scooter; maybe get lost for a while and then figure out where I am before dark.

Tonight I am weary and hot. It's a night to turn on the AC tonight and burn some energy in the batteries. Since tomorrow the boat will be hooked to power and get charged back up, tonight can be afforded to use some power. The panels and the wind turbine keep the batteries mostly full most of the time anyway, but it is expected to be cloudy and possibly rainy, so plugging in will be the boost they may need to get back to 100% after tonight.

Goodnight all, dream big; God is always for you when you are for Him.