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Leg 006 The Great Loop: Titusville to Daytona Beach 2

Leg 006 The Great Loop: Titusville to Daytona Beach 2

By on Apr 7, 2014 in Captain's Log |

Monday, April 7, 2014 – 10 PM – Leg 6/Part 2/Day 8 of The Great Loop

Sunburn. The scourge of visitors to the tropics and unsuspecting apparitions who forget that the sun is a nuclear engine hell-bent on scorching any minute area of unprotected skin. Though I may not be critically Caucasian, I am currently a whiter shade of pale that currently is glowing a lovely and deep red. I'm going to heat up my morning bagel from the heat coming off my back. Aloe gel, where art thou?

We spent all day out on the boat fishing, swimming, snorkeling, BBQ'ing, and playing the music loud (love those Bose Speakers by the way). Preston and Jess got a pretty good buzz on too drinking these green drink concoctions, rum and green curacao blended with ice. They took a nap first and then I went down. Colin I hear, fell asleep too while I took a nap. I slept longer, it's old age. Sun is a beater down here and it was out in force today. Tomorrow looks to be cloudy and windy, so the timing couldn't have been better.

We caught some great fish too, some that need to be looked up. There's a couple of sea trout we caught that will be kept and they are taking the rest home. Their freezer will be stocked for a while in the fish department. The shrimp were cooked that Pres & Jess brought for dinner in a garlic lemon sauce. Jess did a great baked bean thing that she brought some special seasonings for and I'm keeping the leftovers, I don't care what they say.

There hasn't been much need of real charting and such as most of the time the shore is not far and the ICW is clearly marked by buoys where needed. The plan is to leave around 9 in the morning after breakfast; that will get them home to rest for the evening and me out to finish up this leg. The trip turned into a bit more than I initially thought, but that is what is so cool about all this, there is no right or wrong. Once in Daytona, a marina for a night and then moor out the second night will be the plan. The sojourn will continue on Thursday for a couple of days and then shut down for the weekend.

It's been wonderful and I pray all of my lovelies and dear hearts are in the arms of God on this fine evening. I am especially thinking and praying for one particular, you know who you are.