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Leg 004 The Great Loop: Pierce City to Palm Bay

Leg 004 The Great Loop: Pierce City to Palm Bay

By on Apr 4, 2014 in Captain's Log |

Friday, April 4, 2014 – 9PM – Leg 4/Day 5 of The Great Loop – 38.2 Miles

Today was a day of long wide channels where the urge to stop and fish was overwhelming. That urge was rewarded after about an hour with a couple of sea bass. One became lunch and the other is in the freezer for tomorrow night.

Arrived at Palm Bay just before dusk and by the time the planned final destination was reached, it was dark. The average today was only about 4 knots due to a pretty strong headwind. The speed could have been bumped up, but by the time the idea bloomed, it was too late to make up much time. The fuel is being used at right under 1/2 gallon per hour which is just perfect and according to plan.

There was not much traffic today, a few power boats and a barge or two, but really nothing to speak of. After anchoring out again tonight, the plan is to make a run for it tomorrow. It's just enough to get to Titusville tomorrow so another early start. The travel will be easier next week, maybe only hold it down to only 2 days. It's rather ironic that there is now a schedule on an adventure that was supposed to teach how to alleviate the schedules and enjoy the moment.

The topology has changed and there is a bit more relief in the surroundings. It is still mostly flat, but there are some hills popping up more prominently. There are a lot of little dirt/sand islands off to the right and left of the ICW which are assumed to be the results of dredging. There are small undulations on the shoreline at places and then more stretches that are flat as a pancake in between. The channel is wide in most places and then a few bends and turns through a couple of channels that are somewhat narrower, but mostly motoring down the middle of channels that are 1-2 miles wide.

The water is beautiful in places, light blue in the shallows and crystal clear at times. Looking down I can see the bottom in places. The depth display stays constantly at 9-10 feet deep with patches of 12 foot and deeper. With a 4 foot draft when I am fully loaded, this boat is good to go right up to the edge of a beach in most places.

It is still hard to fathom the boat's appearance without the mast. It looks flat and toy-like now as if some big hand should be grabbing it and going vroom-vroom over the water.

I had a visitor on the water for a bit when a guy in a kayak stopped and chatted. The dude gets kudos; he was way out from shore. Oh to be young and strong and fearless again. Age sure puts a damper on that when your mortality is constantly taunting you from off in the distance.

Charts and plots are ready for another long day tomorrow. There is a reason to not want to travel on Saturdays, but getting to Titusville before nightfall is more important. Preston called and they are really excited. It's been a long time since seeing him and I am really looking forward to our visit.

Bless all my loved ones with peace and joy tonight and through your Holy Spirit, let them know I am thinking of them in very loving and melancholy terms.